To continue improving this book, I need your
help. I need to know what you thought was good and was
clearly presentd. More importantly, I need to know what
you found unclear or confusing and what you think needs
work or expansion. Please take a few minutes to fill out
and mail this questionaire to me, or send me email at
What was your level of experience when you read
this book?
What did you find helpful?
What sections were confusing, or needed
What sections were good and shouldn't be messed
How many times did you read this book
before/after going on track?
Is there anything additional that you would like
to have included?
Is there anything that should be deleted?
Did you make notes and mark up the book as you
read it?
Any other comments?
Your name and address: (optional)
Thanks. Larry Colen
PO. Box 693
Felton CA, 95018