Revel Alliance 2014, Madder Science
Z-Day 2011
Camp Blues 2011
Z-Day 2010
Z-Day 2009
Whiskymas 2008
Revel Alliance 2008, Mad Science
Revel without a
Cause, August 27, 2005
spicy and exotic
Three year observation, 26 June 2004
Pictures from the
Pictures of parties past, taken by John DuBois:
Shop Kluge 1990
Fizzball 1990
Alliance 1993
Alliance 1994
LRC birthday 1994
All of the images John has scanned
Whiskymas 2006
Whiskymas 2005
Whiskymas 2004
The Party on October 18th 2003 and the picnic at Boomeria October 19th were a lot of fun. I set up an evite at to help with logistics.
It was very similar in format to my previous party. We even had the same band playing, though they have a different name.
Revel Alliance 26 July 2003: This was a great party. The band the Rhythm methodists played two awesome sets. The Mohlers brought their gas powered blender and made Margaritas etc. for folks until the Tequila ran out. The SMC showed up in force. And when the band finished playing, they even got a round of applause from my neighbors across the river.
Pictures from the Jan '97 Peevefest at Foo Manor.
Taken by Ruth Fry.
Pictures from the Son of a Beach Party Taken by
John DuBois.
Clan MacDude Beach Party 10/24/98
I instigated an art project on March 21st 1998. It was a giant menorah that used Christmas trees rather than candles.
Last modified 06/05/11