Intro to dance, butt learning

Butt learning is teaching your body to do it.
Get the knowledge into your butt, so your brain doesn't have to work

unbendable arm: strong but relaxed


  Facing wall, 
  toes about 3" back from wall
  lower ribcage touching wall

note that 
  weight is on the balls of your feet, not your heels
  your head isn't hunched over
  your pelvis isn't hitting the wall
    rubbing your groin on someone's thigh may get their attention,
    but it isn't conducive to good dancing.

Easier way to get into position is to jump as high as you can and land
as softly as you can.

Note that knees are bent, weight is on the balls of the feet.

Show how to engage lats
  elbows out from torso a few inches
  elbows don't go back past "seam"
  arms don't extend so that they are straight.

Practice balancing compression and tension
  hands in middle never move

  once they have this, then when leader feels preload, 
  leader moves center, follower will follow

Practice posture again
  leader puts inner wrist on ribcage
  hand where bra strap would be
  practice matching compression

  once they have this, then when leader feels preload, 
  leader moves center, follower will follow

From "open embrace":
  Weight shift, 
    leader practice weight on one foot or other
    follower is made to match

  Nominal tempo, every other beat, pulse on beats you don't move

  practice weight shift
    note straight line, nose - navel - foot

  practice step, to side, front or back
    let unweighted foot follow
    if loose, it will just hang close to weighted foot

Have leader lead a free spin, 
   follower practice
      keeping elbow up, barbie arms so leader can find hand
      not speeding up
      try slowing down to turn up heat

balance compression and tension on inside and outside turns, 
followed by settling into connection, "cocking the connection".

Have leader lead inside and outside spins
    matching compression on spin
    tension as they move away
    keep free shoulder forward, don't break away
    leader bring follower in by moving center back

Crosshand stop spin
  from crosshand position lead follower into underarm spin

  then from crosshand position lead follower in and stop

  then from crosshand position lead follower in and stop and spin

  then leader's choice

Copyright (C) 2008 Larry Colen
Most recently modified by lrc at Tue Sep 02 23:46:30 PDT 2008